Sunday 12 April 2009

Health and Safety

Health and safety is a very important thing to consider when producing a film, we filled in a sheet with all the different possible risks that could happen during the filming of our film, the health and safety is as important as getting the film done itself and therefore has to be done properly so that we know how to deal with problems that may occur during the filming. The first thing that we needed to know was whether we are able to film in the Windsor Great Park as we will be carrying a gun, therefore we will need permission to film and we plan on speaking with a warden to get that permission. We also need to be careful with the organs as they real and could carry any number of nasty diseseases, the best way for us to deal with this is to wear rubber gloves so that we don’t get it all over us, I think we will also bring disposable wipes and soap and water to wash our hands with after. As we have planned ahead we shouldn’t have any problems but if there are then we will have to go the right way about it and get it sorted so we can carry on with the filming.

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