Sunday 8 February 2009

Evaluation of preliminary task

Before filming the preliminary task we made a storyboard of exactly what was going to happen during the film, the different shots we were going to use, the duration of these shots and any dialogue that was going to be said during the scene. We also looked around at different locations for filming in. We chose to shoot the scene in one of the empty classrooms at school, this is because it was easily accessible and there were lots of free classrooms around the school. The main equipment we used was the camcorders and the Mac book pros with final cut editing software to edit our films. The actual filming of the scene and the editing afterwards went well as the equipment was easy to use and the editing software was very easy to use. One difficulty we faced was that when uploading our video onto the computer the video and the sound did not run at the same time so we had to go and re-record the entire preliminary task again. Another problem that we had was that we were half way through recording a class needed to use the classroom we were in so we had to go and start again in a different classroom. My overall impression is that it went very well for the second time using the cameras and only the first time using the editing software on the Mac books. Our film looked very good after the editing and we were all very pleased with the result. We could improve it by taking more time when story boarding the film and also by taking more care when recording to maintain the rules of continuity editing. The lessons I have learnt are that it is very easy to break the 180 degree rule when film and that when doing the main task we need to take a lot of care when filming the main task. I have also learnt that a good storyboard is essential to a good film and we need to make a good storyboard for our main task. 


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