Friday 27 February 2009




In the opening sequence we will need:
1x womens dress
1x womens shoes
A woman
2x dog tags
1x helmet (Covered)
1x WW2 jacket (Covered)
1x smoke greenade
BB Gun (Covered by Sam and Joe)
Authentic MIA letter
2x pairs of boots both size 11
1x shoe polish
Blood Capsules or something that looks like blood.
Organs (we will go to the supermarket)
2x white vests

Possible locations

Thursday 26 February 2009

Black Hawk Down

Black hawk down opening sequence

In the opening sequence of black hawk down there are local Somalian people treating their dead friends or family. They are shown to be very sad and scared of the situation that they are in. a Red Cross van is also shown to be helping the locals. There is also a refugee camp shown where lots of poor homeless Somalians are fighting over the food that is being distributed. They are then shot at by the local militants and some of the locals are killed by the militants, the Americans circling overhead in the helicopter want to intervene but are not allowed as they are not being shot at. This shows the harsh realities of conflicts. In the opening sequence there are no main characters introduced to the audience as the audience are being introduced to the bad situation in Somalia. There is also an establishing shot shown of the refugee camp that is from the helicopters point of view, it shows all the malnourished locals swarming to the aid trucks and the militants standing watching with machine guns. The hermeneutic code is present in the opening sequence as the audience do not know why the Somalians are dead or how they died. This makes the audience question how they died. This is used to make the audience want to continue watching the film and wanting to find out how and what killed them. The opening sequence reveals the location of the film to be a dry arid country; it shows that the country is very underdeveloped and 3rd world country with very few amenities. The main camera shots used in the opening sequence are master shots that show the surroundings and all the carnage that is happening in the surrounding areas. The editing in the opening sequence is mainly invisible editing to help the continuity of the sequence. The sound in the opening is non-diegetic music that is parallel to the situation that local people are facing. It is slow and sad emphasising the seriousness of the situation that they are facing. There is also diegetic sounds of the gunshots and the sounds of the helicopter used to enhance realism. The opening credits are presented in white text on top of the footage. The text that is used is typical of text used by the army and is quite small on the screen. There are also quotes shown in the same text such as, “only the dead have seen the end of the war”. This is a snare as it tries to send the audience down the wrong path. Also the proairetic code is presents as it shows when the Natives are speaking in the alternate language the audience starts wondering the impact or outcome of the situation and how are they relevant. There is a partial answer shown when in the refugee camp when they are getting shot at. It shows that civil war could be the cause of the deaths.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Platoon Opening Sequence

In the opening sequence of Platoon the audience are show new troops arriving in the Vietnam war zone on planes and in helicopters. These soldiers are shown to be very young, naive and innocent. As they are leaving the aircraft they see dead American soldiers in body bags getting loaded onto another plane this shows the harsh reality of war. As they walk away they pass a group of veteran soldiers who look rugged and skinny, however the new troops look immaculate. The audience is then shown a view of the jungle from above as a helicopter flies across this shows the audience where most of the fighting is going to take place. The soldiers are then shown to be walking through the jungle; they are shown to be very scared in that situation. The audience is introduced to Chris Taylor the main character in the film; he is shown to be very young and very scared as he arrives in Vietnam. He is shown to be new to the situation as he is straight out of training with no combat experience. The audience are positioned to feel sorry for him, as he has only just arrived in the war zone, is very young and very inexperienced. The opening sequence reveals that the main setting of the film is going to be the Vietnam jungle. The jungle is shown to be a very dark, scary and dangerous place with the enemy not being the only danger. The main camera shots used in the opening sequence are master shots and establishing shots. These are used to show the settings and all the different surroundings they also show all the young soldiers. The editing is mainly continuity or invisible editing this is to help all the surroundings to be shown. There is also a dissolve when they move from the airfield to the jungle. During the opening sequence there is slow, sad music playing, the music is fairly quiet. There are also diegetic sounds such as the planes and helicopters in the airfield or the sound of running water in the jungle. The producer and directors names are shown in white font on a plain black screen right at the start of the sequence along with a quote “rejoice O young man in thy youth” this is used to show how young the soldiers were. The main title of the film was then shown in green text as the pictures started along with the names of the main actors. When the soldiers are shown in the jungle the other actors names are shown in white text.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Evaluation of preliminary task

Before filming the preliminary task we made a storyboard of exactly what was going to happen during the film, the different shots we were going to use, the duration of these shots and any dialogue that was going to be said during the scene. We also looked around at different locations for filming in. We chose to shoot the scene in one of the empty classrooms at school, this is because it was easily accessible and there were lots of free classrooms around the school. The main equipment we used was the camcorders and the Mac book pros with final cut editing software to edit our films. The actual filming of the scene and the editing afterwards went well as the equipment was easy to use and the editing software was very easy to use. One difficulty we faced was that when uploading our video onto the computer the video and the sound did not run at the same time so we had to go and re-record the entire preliminary task again. Another problem that we had was that we were half way through recording a class needed to use the classroom we were in so we had to go and start again in a different classroom. My overall impression is that it went very well for the second time using the cameras and only the first time using the editing software on the Mac books. Our film looked very good after the editing and we were all very pleased with the result. We could improve it by taking more time when story boarding the film and also by taking more care when recording to maintain the rules of continuity editing. The lessons I have learnt are that it is very easy to break the 180 degree rule when film and that when doing the main task we need to take a lot of care when filming the main task. I have also learnt that a good storyboard is essential to a good film and we need to make a good storyboard for our main task.