Monday 21 December 2009

Friday 27 November 2009


We are re-filming the bedroom scene over the weekend and hopefully the performance scene depending on how everything turns out. This is so that we are able to gain some more marks as our last bedroom scene was not stereotypical enough as we had a young couple in and old room, which didn’t look right.Our album covers has taken longer than we thought, as the ideas we have had haven’t always been as easy to do as we thought. But we do have an album cover that is finished but isn’t what we thought it would be. We still need to get some pictures of the band members for the covers but the band hasn’t been around all-together recently, hopefully we are able to take pictures on the weekend when we re-film the band scene.

Thursday 12 November 2009

location shots

These are shots of various locations that we filmed in. While filming in town and on Eton bridge we had some problems with memebers of the public getting in the way of shots however we managed to over come it.

Thursday 22 October 2009

first draft finished

Today we finished our first draft for our music video; there are a few things that we may need to change in order to get it to the high standard that we want. Our mise-en-scene, as the bedroom we have used is out of date and isn’t stereotypical of the young couple in our video. We also need to look at our performance parts throughout the video aren’t dynamic enough therefore, we need to add more dynamic shot variations and maybe add some coloured lights and smoke to liven up the performance.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Filming finished

Today we finished filming our last part of the video, we filmed the video in four parts, we did the first and last scene first then we did the third scene then today we finished the second scene, today all we have to do now is pick out the best bits of what we have filmed and then edit it and put it in the right order to finish our first draft.